Resit Information

A resit means that you have failed all or part of a module(s). You are required to undertake a second attempt in the failed element(s) (usually in the summer resit period). Please note that this resit element is usually a different piece of assessment.

For University of South Wales Regulations

  • You will not be able to attain a grade higher than Pass or 40% in any re-assessed module (Your actual assessment mark will be recorded and the overall module will be capped)
  • If the mark you achieve at resit is lower than what you achieved at your first attempt the resit mark will still be recorded.
  • If you fail to attempt your resit assessment a mark of “0” will be recorded.
  • The 5 working day late submission rule DOES NOT apply to referred work or to work submitted as a first attempt during a resit period.

In the event of another fail, you may be allowed to repeat or substitute the whole module depending on the “University and Programme regulations.”

For University of Wales Newport Regulations

  • You will not be able to attain a grade higher than Pass or D5 in any re-assessed module.

Please see Regulations for Taught Courses for more information.

Resit exam timetables can be downloaded from the exam information page at relevant times in the academic year. Students studying at partner organisations or on courses that do not take place in the traditional academic year should discuss resit arrangements with their normal contact.

If you require any specific provisions (such as disability or dyslexia support) and do not have an Individual Support Plan already in place please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service.

Non-examination resit information is available on Blackboard /Moodle. If your resit information is not there then please contact your Module Leader. Please ensure that you access the site in a timely manner giving yourself enough time to complete and submit the required work.

Your resit materials should clearly explain what you need to do. If, however, you have module specific queries, you will need to contact your Module Leader. If you can’t get hold of the Module Leader then contact your Campus Advice Zone. Students studying at Partner Colleges, Partner Organisations or UNICAF should contact their usual course contact.

Deadlines for Non Examination Resits (including dissertation) 
The deadline for the receipt of coursework is dependent on which Assessment Board considered your results (for most students this is the June boards). Please note you are able to submit work earlier than the deadline but not later.

Submitting Resit Coursework Explained
Please submit your resit coursework as instructed by your Module Leader, for most Faculties this will normally be via Turn-it-in on Blackboard or Moodle but in some cases you may be required to submit to your Campus Reception desk or directly to the Module Leader. If you have any doubt please contact your Module Leader.

If you are posting resit coursework, this must be sent by recorded delivery or courier and received by the deadline (and not posted on this date). You must keep your posting/delivery receipt as this is your proof of submission. Please note that work sent by email will not be accepted, unless this is the normal procedure used during the term.

The Student Development and Study Skills Service provide guidance materials and one-to-one support on a wide range of study matters such as essay writing, maths and statistics, and revision and exam technique. Staff can post you study skills materials, give advice over the telephone or provide one to one appointments with one of the study skills tutors.

The Library has a resource bank of past examination papers these are for reference only, but you are able to make copies.

Resit examination dates and the dates for submission of non examination resits will be the same as those set for on-campus students, but please ensure that you discuss your referral work directly with your lecturer at your college to ensure that you are aware of any additional processes they may have.

Students should submit non-examination resit work as instructed by their normal contact.