If you have a Pass Compensated (PC) grade on a module this means you have not achieved a pass grade, but the module has been compensated based on your overall profile of results. Pass Compensated will be recorded against that module and as a result, the Assessment Board deems you to have passed. You do not need to re-take the failed element of assessment(s). Please be aware that the mark you have obtained in that module will remain the same despite being Pass Compensated. As a result, this may reduce your overall average mark, which may impact your degree classification.
Please note that in some cases compensation for a module may impact upon professional body requirements/membership. Please contact your Course Leader as a matter of urgency if you have any concerns regarding this.
You have the right to re-sit any module that has been compensated. If you wish to re-take the compensated module, then please email [email protected] within three workings days of your results being published. If we do not hear from you within this time, we will assume you are accepting your current grade.
If you require further advice or support, please contact:
You can find further information on Pass Compensated modules under section 158 – 171 in the Regulations for Taught Courses 2023/24